Web Episode Module

Kintana technology redefines corporate communication, transforming your products and values into protagonists of compelling narratives. With the Web Episode Module, you can create content inspired by your audience's tastes and the most current trends, delivering memorable experiences. Imagine a new way to tell the story of your brand, as a series, a reportage or an original format, available on any screen and device. Users can experience the stories episode by episode, creating tailor-made entertainment.
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At the center of compelling stories

Your Brand goes on stage

Define the story to be told, integrate multimedia elements such as video, audio and interactive graphics, and break the content into captivating episodes. Optimized for any device, a Web Episode captures the audience's attention and delivers an immersive and memorable experience.
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New cutting-edge formats

Web series are the perfect format to transform stories and values into captivating narratives. Designed for a digital audience, they can range from emotional mini-series that tell the behind the scenes of a brand, to educational formats that delve into relevant issues, to interactive series where users choose the course of events.

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Each episode, a story

Web series transform each episode into a unique journey, full of novelty and meaning. From educational narratives to thematic insights, to interactive stories that directly engage audiences, this format is perfect to explore topics in original and engaging ways.

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Benefits for Brands

Web series are a strategic tool to increase brand visibility, offering multiple opportunities to be found and shared, thanks to a format that can perfectly adapt to multi-channel campaigns. Each episode contributes to strengthening your corporate identity, differentiating itself from competitors and positioning itself on the market in a distinctive way.