
Phygital Technologies

Kintana offers partners in-depth knowledge of their consumers, tracking data and habits through sophisticated gamification and loyalty logics.
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Invent something unique and unprecedented, which belongs only to your customer.
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Digital immersive experience that more effectively tracks personal, engagement, behavioral and attitudinal data.


Upload file: Amicable Interaction

Your customer uploads a file. It can be a photograph, a video, a short text. Then, the artificial intelligence Kintana gets to work. From a simple input, the result is the elaboration of a story that belongs only to the customers, because it is based on their memories, their emotions, their real life. But that little piece of history is shared with you, your brand, which now has a privileged access key to discreetly get to know its customer more and more. Amicable interaction. Another way to read the acronym AI.



Create the Story: Author's Inexhaustibility

It's time to creat! The artificial intelligence Kintana has boundless imagination. Your customer becomes the protagonist of unique, beautiful stories. The stories, the style, the mood, the scenarios are inspired by the customer, but it's the Kintana technology that we put at your disposal that finishes it up. If you think about it, this is how two dreams come true: your consumers' to become a hero of their time. And yours that has the opportunity to dialogue with these heroes every time they come into play. All this, thanks to the Author's Inexhaustibility. This is AI too.



Listen to the story: Applicable Indefinitely

The customers relive the story created by Kintana artificial intelligence, setting in motion a series of emotions and positive feelings. As the protagonists of their stories, they will want to share them with everyone, becoming the best testimonial not only of Kintana technology but above all of you brand, that makes it happen. And you, who know how to listen, have also understood the potential of this experience that is unique, but at the same time repeatable and replicable for millions of customers. Applicable Indefinitely. Artificial intelligence Kintana is available to everyone.



Save the story: Absolutely Innovative

Saved stories become a form of personal entertainment always at hand and available at any time. Listening and saving are the most precious moments for the customers, because they involve their emotional and affective sphere. Precisely for this reason, they are decisive in creating, consolidating and continuing to walk that phygital bridge that helps companies reach their customers. Absolutely innovative. Kintana technology taken literally.



Scanner module. The switch that turns on a new world

More than a module, the scanner can be defined as a switch that turns on the TATA APP world and that, above all, makes your product smart. Seriously, you'll be amazed at how easy it is! Tata App activation module requires a Bar Code, QR Code or RFID reader. You point them with your device and the product will immediately become intelligent. Your end customer will have access to a variety of games, multimedia and editorial content, columns, stories, podcasts. The benefits for your business are evident. The first one? Associating content loved and sought after by consumers with your product increases their interaction with your product by creating and strengthening their direct link with your brand.



Mini-game module. Playing helps you grow

Games foster growth, it's obvious. In the case of the TATA APP, this simple truth is proved by the Mingame module. Entertainment and gamification, in fact, consolidate the feeling of belonging to a brand,loyalizing with the weapons of smile and fun. All you need is, in fact, TATA APP and its appropriate module. You activate it and you're done. You can think of it as a mini-gameplay provider that keeps consumers' attention glued by allowing them to play with their favorite products. And to know at all times who is allowing them to experience these emotions. This is the Minigame, the module that achieves great results.



Episode Web Module. Your brand is always the protagonist

Kintana technology takes inspiration from the tastes of the public, from the most significant entertainment trends of our time. In the era of content platforms, an advanced tool can make the difference in acquiring and maintaining a loyal and active customer base on a daily basis. That's why we thought of a web episode module able to create storytelling available at any time. On any type of screen and device. Think: your brand, your products, protagonists of stories that inform, excite, entertain consumers like a fiction or a documentary or a show. To be watched all at once or to be savored, episode after episode, episode after episode.



E-book module. Recommended reading

But then there are also the more thoughtful consumers, who want to deepen, reason, dialogue, learn more. They are the ones who love reading and do not give up the pleasure it offers. If anything, the tools change, moving from paper to the screen of a smartphone or any other device. For this type of customer, the E-book module is the perfect solution. Tata App provides them with a module able to create an interactive E-book around the product to read, to listen to, "to do things with", to tell your brand in a timely and complete way. This module is also suitable for children, as it helps them approaching the values of a company in a protected way and with appropriate content and tone of voice.



Audio Content Module. Millennials and more listen to you

In 2022, over 15 million Italians listened to at least one podcast. 67% of them are millennials, people born between 1981 and 1996. They say you can't get away once you fall in the podcast rabbit hole. With TATA APP we have implemented a module, which creates podcasts related to the product and allows you to take advantage of its full potential. The Audio Content module allows you to talk with an effective and cool tool to a particularly interesting target audience. But in fact you reach everyone. Podcasts to relax, have fun, get hooked on, listening to new and fun stories about your brand and products. The contents can be educational, informative, exciting, imaginative: we give you as much freedom as you want.


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